
西岳史学 || 于海兵:五四时期地方学生的革命之路——以南昌改造社及其团体生活为例

唐潮杂志 2022-03-19



于 海 兵

〔摘要〕五四时期的学生社团对于各地学生参加革命具有至关重要的作用,本文从团体生活的视 角,探讨地方学生组织化、主义化与革命化的进程。从改造社的案例来看,社团先后经过了自治团体、 行动团体、革命团体三个逐步升级的阶段,学生们先在危机意识和新社会想象的刺激下汇聚起来,之 后通过不断强化团体身份、团体意识和团体纪律来凝聚组织,最终将 “主义”引入团体生活,实现了社 团的革命化,继而接引革命回乡,推动了中共地方党、团组织的建立。同时,改造社的组织经验和困境 依然延续到地方团的组织生活中,而这种连续性也是考察 20 世纪 20 年代中共地方革命兴起的重要线索。 

〔关键词〕改造社; 团体生活; 自治团体; 行动团体; 革命团体 

〔中图分类号〕D432. 9; K261. 1 〔文献标志码〕A 〔文章编号〕1003 - 3815( 2020) - 06 - 0024 - 20 The Revolutionary Road of Local Students During the May 4th Period: A Case Study of the Nanchang Reconstruction Society and Its Group Life

Yu Haibing
Abstract: During the May 4th period,student societies played an important role throughout the country for those students who were participating in the revolution.From the perspective of their group life,this article discusses the process by which local students became more organized,more doctrinal,and more revolutionary.In the case of the Nanchang Reconstruction Society,the society underwent three stages of organizing and upgrading of autonomy,action,and revolution.The students gathered together as they became stimulated by a crisis of consciousness and by their own imaginations about the new society.In the end,they introduced an“ism”into their group life,which realized the revolutionization of the society.They then brought the revolution back to their hometowns,which promoted the establishment of local party organizations and societies.At the same time,the organizational experience and dilemmas of the reconstruction society continued in the organizational life of the local society. This continuity is an important clue for investigating the rise of the local CPC revolution in the 1920s.



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